*Faith grows best in challenging times!*<-
These are unprecedented circumstances and times, in our lifetime. In the Bible we have many examples of those of faith and those without faith. Jesus faced challenging circumstances times as recorded in Matthew 4:1-11 (after 40 days of fasting in the desert, He was tempted by Satan). Jesus defeated Satan by using the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus said, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.” (Matthew 26:38 NIV) Yet in verse 39 and 42 Jesus trusted God the Father enough to pray “may your will be done.” Jesus didn’t use logic or emotions to make it through those times, He chose to think on the truth for the Word of God and He refused to abandon faith in God’s character and love. When we follow His example we’ll find His strength made perfect in our weakness, wisdom for each decision and grace to live one hour at a time. God really does know what He is doing and He really can be trusted!
*March 23, 2020 we transitioned to counseling via video or phone sessions. Clients are not coming to the office until the danger is over. The transition has been will received by staff and clients. We are blessed to keep serving every week.
*May 12, 2020 Hope Family Ministries will celebrate 25 years of providing Biblical counseling on a donation basis! But it couldn’t have been done without your prayers, encouragement and generous donations! We’ll celebrate with an Open House when the pandemic virus season is over. Stay safe and walk by faith!
January – March, 2020 Since May, 1995
Prayer of Surrender: 18 2,623
Prayer of Rededication: 58 5,892
Biblical Counseling Hours: 654 51,535
People Counseled: 197 15,587
Marriages Counseled: 91 7,836
Singles Counseled: 55
Workshop Attendance: 492 26,510
Income in 2020: $ 79,538
Expenses in 2020: $ 70,648
$ 8,290